My life if a tornado....there is so much going on I'm just going to jump in and share:
1) I just got back from a fabulous weekend visiting my best friend from high school who lives in Indianapolis. I got to meet her fiance', see her cute new house, visit with her family (who I have missed dearly) and help her go wedding dress shopping. I had so much fun....and I'm so excited for her. She's going to be an absolutely beautiful bride.
2) While I was gone, my husband - a.k.a my new hero - held down the fort; a fort which included a sick Emma. Two trips to the doctor later all is quiet on the home sickness front once again.
3) BIG NEWS!!!! Robby and I have decided to take the plunge....we're moving to Texas. I will be heading out with the girls over the Thanksgiving holiday and Robby will stay behind to keep the moola coming in until I find a job, at which time he'll bring up the rear. Thus far we've bought boxes (none of which have anything in them at this point), reserved our POD (to move our stuff out there) and booked Robby's plane ticket home. Here's the plan: We're heading out to my mom's house in Phoenix (6 hour drive) on Wednesday 11/26, spending Thanksgiving with her, then continuing the drive on Saturday 11/29 (an additional 15 hour drive) to Texas - where if all goes as planned we should arrive on Sunday 11/30. Robby will then fly back to California on Monday 12/1. Ok, go ahead and say it..... "WE'RE NUTS!!!" We're trekking halfway across the country with our 3 year old and 1 year old in one car. If we end up there with half our sanity and both of our children it will be a miracle!
4) Robby and I will celebrate our 4 year anniversary on 10/30.....very exciting
5) Emma turns 3 on 11/3
6) Katy turns 1 on 11/8
7) Robby's birthday is 11/15 (we won't mention age...he he he...I love you honey!)
8) My mom and Step dad (Mike) are coming out 11/7-11/9 to help us pack and visit.
9) Meanwhile - we've got family and friends galore that we need to see before we leave.
How all of this is remotely possible I don't know. So all I can say is....pray for us!
I'm kinda freaked out by all this change...very excited...but also freaked out. I'm sad to leave behind all that we have here....but I'm also very much looking forward to living near my family. I've been away from my family for so long I don't really even know what it will be like to have them in such close proximity and not have to spend $1300 on plane tickets just to spend a few days with them. Also, it's a huge change for my family. To uproot them and transplant them somewhere else is going to be a big deal. I started making a list the other day of all the things I'll need to do once I'm in Texas. From finding a new job, to finding childcare, a new bank, a new's amazing what really goes into living your life in a new place.
I'm also a little sad because this move will take us farther away from my mom and sister who live in Arizona. Right now it's a one hour flight (and only $50 bucks if you can nab a good deal on Southwest Airlines) or a pretty decent drive. Part of me feels like moving closer to my dad is taking me away from my mom. If/When my mom reads this she'll tell me that's ridiculous....but it's how I feel. I miss my mom.....we're so close....oh can't have it all huh? I'll just pray that one day we can all live in closer proximity to each other.
Ok enough of the sadness......overall....I am super excited! This change means a lot of really cool things for my family. So definitely stay tuned for lots of updates to come!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Our Second Family
I've had a hard time thinking of what to write about...after all who cares what I have to say about....well.....whatever? But then it occurred to me that the blogs I enjoy reading the most are ones where people just talk about whatever is on their mind, or happening to them in their regular lives. I like that a blog can be the voice of your thoughts in an informal way. So I'm going to make it a point to open up a little bit more and write more of what's on my mind. I guess you'll never know who might want to hear what you have to say.
This particular post has been on my mind for a while......
As you may know, my best friend Kate is moving out of the state very soon.....a fact that I have worked very hard to repressing my feelings on until absolutely necessary. That time is fast approaching as I have to take her to the airport next Thursday. The ways that Kate has influenced, changed and shaped my life and person are far too great for a mere mention here...but needless to say I cannot begin to count the many gifts she has given me. One of these being my second family.....or to be more precise...her family. Robby and I are, for the most part, on our own out here in California. His parents live in Colorado, my parents in Arizona and Texas. This has been the case for just about as long as Kate and I have been friends, which is going on 9 years now. That being the case I have been welcomed into Kate's family (and now my husband and children as well) in the absence of our own and I would like to take this opportunity to speak to whomever might listen about what I know about these wonderful people and to say thank you for all that they have done:
Dr. & Mrs. M are two of the most kind and generous people I have ever had the privilege to know. Between the two of them they have raised 5 highly successful and equally as kind children. Those 5 children have gone on to marry (actually the youngest will be married in January) people that have enhanced their core family and have given them many grandchildren who I have been able to watch grow over these last several years. That is the kind of success I want Robby and I to know. I have learned much of what I know about a sound marriage and family structure from their fine example.
Through the years this family has welcomed me as one of their own. We have shared holidays and family celebrations that I'll always remember. There has been help in moving (lots of help as Kate and I transitioned through numerous apartments), family vacations and lots of love and support. During the fires here last year, we were welcomed with open arms. While most evacuees were hunkered down on a cot in a high school gym, Robby and I could take our children to a place where we had a home to stay in, hot showers, gourmet meals and a feeling of complete security that if something happened to our home (and something very nearly did) that there would be all the help that we needed. Emma fell totally in love with Mrs. M; going so far as to call her Monna (which is what she calls Robby's mom). To this day every time we drive to Auntie Kate and Uncle Jared's house she asks if Mrs. M will be there. What's so great is that I know the feeling is mutual. For my sister's wedding (which was held in Kate and Jared's back yard), they were there to help make it a fantastic event. Mr's M made all the food, Dr. M took fantastic pictures and Kate's youngest sister was there to just help out. All of this simply because I or someone that was important to me needed them. I can't count the number of times that medical advice has been freely given....and there's no one that Robby and I trust more than Dr. M....if he says it's must be so.
What got me thinking about all of this, is that for the first time in many years, I will not be spending Thanksgiving with Kate's family. As I had that thought it also occurred to me that with Kate and Jared moving there might be fewer of those opportunities to get together than before. The more I thought about that the more I realized that I very much did not want that to happen. I love being a part of that family. I want to make sure that we drop by for visits to the M. household. I'm fairly certain that Emma has found her long lost twin and best friend in one of Kate's little nieces. Katy lights up whenever she sees Kate's older sister as though they have some past history in another life or something. I enjoy spending time with Kate's brothers and sisters and their families and being apart of their lives. So that's what I'm going to keep on doing. Because gifts like those aren't something you should have to give up.
Robby and I are more grateful than we can say to Kate and her family for all that they have given us and our family. The relationships that I have built with them have been one of the true blessings in my life.
To say thank you just doesn't seem like enough...but I suppose that's all there is
This particular post has been on my mind for a while......
As you may know, my best friend Kate is moving out of the state very soon.....a fact that I have worked very hard to repressing my feelings on until absolutely necessary. That time is fast approaching as I have to take her to the airport next Thursday. The ways that Kate has influenced, changed and shaped my life and person are far too great for a mere mention here...but needless to say I cannot begin to count the many gifts she has given me. One of these being my second family.....or to be more precise...her family. Robby and I are, for the most part, on our own out here in California. His parents live in Colorado, my parents in Arizona and Texas. This has been the case for just about as long as Kate and I have been friends, which is going on 9 years now. That being the case I have been welcomed into Kate's family (and now my husband and children as well) in the absence of our own and I would like to take this opportunity to speak to whomever might listen about what I know about these wonderful people and to say thank you for all that they have done:
Dr. & Mrs. M are two of the most kind and generous people I have ever had the privilege to know. Between the two of them they have raised 5 highly successful and equally as kind children. Those 5 children have gone on to marry (actually the youngest will be married in January) people that have enhanced their core family and have given them many grandchildren who I have been able to watch grow over these last several years. That is the kind of success I want Robby and I to know. I have learned much of what I know about a sound marriage and family structure from their fine example.
Through the years this family has welcomed me as one of their own. We have shared holidays and family celebrations that I'll always remember. There has been help in moving (lots of help as Kate and I transitioned through numerous apartments), family vacations and lots of love and support. During the fires here last year, we were welcomed with open arms. While most evacuees were hunkered down on a cot in a high school gym, Robby and I could take our children to a place where we had a home to stay in, hot showers, gourmet meals and a feeling of complete security that if something happened to our home (and something very nearly did) that there would be all the help that we needed. Emma fell totally in love with Mrs. M; going so far as to call her Monna (which is what she calls Robby's mom). To this day every time we drive to Auntie Kate and Uncle Jared's house she asks if Mrs. M will be there. What's so great is that I know the feeling is mutual. For my sister's wedding (which was held in Kate and Jared's back yard), they were there to help make it a fantastic event. Mr's M made all the food, Dr. M took fantastic pictures and Kate's youngest sister was there to just help out. All of this simply because I or someone that was important to me needed them. I can't count the number of times that medical advice has been freely given....and there's no one that Robby and I trust more than Dr. M....if he says it's must be so.
What got me thinking about all of this, is that for the first time in many years, I will not be spending Thanksgiving with Kate's family. As I had that thought it also occurred to me that with Kate and Jared moving there might be fewer of those opportunities to get together than before. The more I thought about that the more I realized that I very much did not want that to happen. I love being a part of that family. I want to make sure that we drop by for visits to the M. household. I'm fairly certain that Emma has found her long lost twin and best friend in one of Kate's little nieces. Katy lights up whenever she sees Kate's older sister as though they have some past history in another life or something. I enjoy spending time with Kate's brothers and sisters and their families and being apart of their lives. So that's what I'm going to keep on doing. Because gifts like those aren't something you should have to give up.
Robby and I are more grateful than we can say to Kate and her family for all that they have given us and our family. The relationships that I have built with them have been one of the true blessings in my life.
To say thank you just doesn't seem like enough...but I suppose that's all there is
Friday, September 26, 2008
Trust Me Mom.....
So, the last few days have not been the most fun in our household. Both girls came down with a cold on Monday and it's gone down hill ever since. Emma proceeds to tell me every ten minutes that she doesn't feel good. My sharp daughter has caught on to the fact that such a statement elicits a loving response from Mommy, or possibly some yummy flavored medicine. It has been determined that, for her, right now, all "I don't feel good Mommy" means is that her nose is all stuffed up. Unfortunately, she has had to realize that Mommy cannot fix all that ails her...there will be things that I cannot make better. Come to think of it, this is a pretty hard fact for Mommy to come to grips with too.
Katy had taken a turn for the worse Wednesday night, so yesterday I hauled she and Emma down to Clairemont for a visit to the doctor. It was revealed that Katy's cold had morphed into an ear infection - this explains the inconsolable baby I was faced with in the middle of the night. It really sucks to have something wrong with one of your kids, but I have to say that it's kind of nice to know that my instincts where my children are concerned are on the mark.
Right now Emma is practically obsessed with the idea of an echo. She loves shouting something (usually the sound "wuuuhhhh" ) almost at the top of her lungs in an empty garage, parking structure, or public bathroom and hearing it echoed back to her. As we got off the elevator to head back to the car, the shouting commenced. This time it was some little made up ditty that only comes from the mind of an almost 3 year old. I got Katy put into the car and then it was Emma's turn. As I open the car door she starts her usual repetitive "I can do it Mom, I can do". She climbs up into the car, then into her car seat. The "I can do, I can do it" starts again as she wants to buckle herself in. In all fairness I must admit that she has gotten really good at it and can even tighten herself in fairly well.
It also seems that in the process of climbing into the seat she found a yellow crayon...something which pleased her immensely and consequently worried me as she starting asking "What can I write on?" and I had visions of yellow crayon all over my car door. I explained that she could not write on anything and to my surprise she said "Ok Mommy" ***cue mom's suspicious look*** We're driving along and Emma starts breaking the crayon into smaller pieces. She then proceeds to chuck one at Katy ***cue indignant yell from younger daughter*** The thought occurs to me that the first thing Katy will do when she finds one of the pieces (perfectly sized as a choking hazard) thrown at her is to put it into her mouth. I had promised Emma a lemonade to drink for her good behavior at the doctor's office, so I pull into a Burger King parking lot, hop out of the car, retrieve the crayon piece from Katy and then proceed to the other side of the car to confiscate the remaining pieces from Emma. Here is the conversation that followed:
- Mommy opens car door -
Emma: "NOOOOO Mommy, don't take them!"
Mommy: "Give them to me Emma, now."
Emma: "Please Mommy, I won't throw them."
Mommy: "Honey, this could be very dangerous. If Katy got a hold of one of those pieces she could choke, or she could swallow it and it could make her very sick. Please give them to me."
Emma: "Moooommmm"
Mommy: "Emma - "
Emma: "Just trust me Mom!"
Just trust me mom......just trust me mom! I stood there for a minute looking at her and her big, pleading blue eyes knowing she had no idea what those words really meant. I finally, said "OK" and reiterated the importance of her keeping her promise not to throw them again. She kept her promise and drank her lemonade peacefully for the remainder of the car ride home. However, I was forced to think of hearing those same words from my daughter when she's asking to go out with friends for the first time, go on a date or wants the keys to the car. I hope when that time comes the outcome is as positive as it was with the pieces of yellow crayon.
Katy had taken a turn for the worse Wednesday night, so yesterday I hauled she and Emma down to Clairemont for a visit to the doctor. It was revealed that Katy's cold had morphed into an ear infection - this explains the inconsolable baby I was faced with in the middle of the night. It really sucks to have something wrong with one of your kids, but I have to say that it's kind of nice to know that my instincts where my children are concerned are on the mark.
Right now Emma is practically obsessed with the idea of an echo. She loves shouting something (usually the sound "wuuuhhhh" ) almost at the top of her lungs in an empty garage, parking structure, or public bathroom and hearing it echoed back to her. As we got off the elevator to head back to the car, the shouting commenced. This time it was some little made up ditty that only comes from the mind of an almost 3 year old. I got Katy put into the car and then it was Emma's turn. As I open the car door she starts her usual repetitive "I can do it Mom, I can do". She climbs up into the car, then into her car seat. The "I can do, I can do it" starts again as she wants to buckle herself in. In all fairness I must admit that she has gotten really good at it and can even tighten herself in fairly well.
It also seems that in the process of climbing into the seat she found a yellow crayon...something which pleased her immensely and consequently worried me as she starting asking "What can I write on?" and I had visions of yellow crayon all over my car door. I explained that she could not write on anything and to my surprise she said "Ok Mommy" ***cue mom's suspicious look*** We're driving along and Emma starts breaking the crayon into smaller pieces. She then proceeds to chuck one at Katy ***cue indignant yell from younger daughter*** The thought occurs to me that the first thing Katy will do when she finds one of the pieces (perfectly sized as a choking hazard) thrown at her is to put it into her mouth. I had promised Emma a lemonade to drink for her good behavior at the doctor's office, so I pull into a Burger King parking lot, hop out of the car, retrieve the crayon piece from Katy and then proceed to the other side of the car to confiscate the remaining pieces from Emma. Here is the conversation that followed:
- Mommy opens car door -
Emma: "NOOOOO Mommy, don't take them!"
Mommy: "Give them to me Emma, now."
Emma: "Please Mommy, I won't throw them."
Mommy: "Honey, this could be very dangerous. If Katy got a hold of one of those pieces she could choke, or she could swallow it and it could make her very sick. Please give them to me."
Emma: "Moooommmm"
Mommy: "Emma - "
Emma: "Just trust me Mom!"
Just trust me mom......just trust me mom! I stood there for a minute looking at her and her big, pleading blue eyes knowing she had no idea what those words really meant. I finally, said "OK" and reiterated the importance of her keeping her promise not to throw them again. She kept her promise and drank her lemonade peacefully for the remainder of the car ride home. However, I was forced to think of hearing those same words from my daughter when she's asking to go out with friends for the first time, go on a date or wants the keys to the car. I hope when that time comes the outcome is as positive as it was with the pieces of yellow crayon.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Under Construction....
Just a quick snipet to let all of you know that there will be pictures and fun items posted in the coming days. I'm learning how this blogging thing works so while it looks simple now.....a masterpiece is in the making! Check back often the see what's new.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
And So We Begin...
After much prompting by friends and seasoned bloggers....we are starting a blog of our own. Where do you start? At the beginning I suppose....
Robby and I have been married for almost 4 years and have 2 beautiful daughters; Emma who is almost 3 and Katy, 10 months. We lead pretty normal, average lives in sunny California; which translates to barely being able to afford living in said beautiful state. If I hear one more person say "...well but the weather here is great..." I'm going to kick them. Who wants to pay $500k for a home in a place where it's sunny alot? The sun shines in other parts of the country and you can afford to enjoy it!!!! I digress...... Robby and I are hoping to move our family to Texas so that we can be closer to our family. Grandparents start getting antsy when they go too long without seeing their grandbabies....and it really stinks never having a babysitter (ha ha - just kidding!).
Being the parents of two little ones means that there's always fun and interesting things being said and done that we would love to share with all of you. We hope that this blog is a way to keep those we love a closer part of our daily lives as we navigate through the maze of being married with children. Also, one of the neat things I have noticed from other friends who are avid bloggers is the way that they have met new people who share similar life experiences. There are amazing people in the world and you never know who you might cross paths with and how you can positively impact someone else's life or how they can impact yours.
So to kick things off I'll share with you the experience that told me it was finally time to get started down the blogging road: Each day after work one of the first things I do is change out of my work clothes. I was all done and about to leave the room when Emma locates one of my bras, puts it on (under her dress mind you) and explains to me: "Mommy, I need this so my boobs don't fall out." Huh - so that's what those things are learn something new everyday.
Robby and I have been married for almost 4 years and have 2 beautiful daughters; Emma who is almost 3 and Katy, 10 months. We lead pretty normal, average lives in sunny California; which translates to barely being able to afford living in said beautiful state. If I hear one more person say "...well but the weather here is great..." I'm going to kick them. Who wants to pay $500k for a home in a place where it's sunny alot? The sun shines in other parts of the country and you can afford to enjoy it!!!! I digress...... Robby and I are hoping to move our family to Texas so that we can be closer to our family. Grandparents start getting antsy when they go too long without seeing their grandbabies....and it really stinks never having a babysitter (ha ha - just kidding!).
Being the parents of two little ones means that there's always fun and interesting things being said and done that we would love to share with all of you. We hope that this blog is a way to keep those we love a closer part of our daily lives as we navigate through the maze of being married with children. Also, one of the neat things I have noticed from other friends who are avid bloggers is the way that they have met new people who share similar life experiences. There are amazing people in the world and you never know who you might cross paths with and how you can positively impact someone else's life or how they can impact yours.
So to kick things off I'll share with you the experience that told me it was finally time to get started down the blogging road: Each day after work one of the first things I do is change out of my work clothes. I was all done and about to leave the room when Emma locates one of my bras, puts it on (under her dress mind you) and explains to me: "Mommy, I need this so my boobs don't fall out." Huh - so that's what those things are learn something new everyday.
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